Genting Poker Sign-up

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Event dates

Jan - Winner - Nick Slade
Feb - Winner - Ky Hutchinson
Mar - Winner - Simon Rimmer

Apr - Winner - Nick Slade
May - Winner - Jamie Wilkinson
Jun - Winner - Danny BensonJul - Winner - Dave Garden
Aug - Day 1a Friday 5th - Day 1b Saturday 6th - Final Sunday 7th

Sep - Day 1a Friday 2nd - Day 1b Saturday 3rd - Final Sunday 4th
Oct - Day 1a Friday 7th - Day 1b Saturday 8th - Final Sunday 9th
Nov - Day 1a Friday 4th - Day 1b Saturday 5th - Final Sunday 6th
Dec - Day 1a Friday 2nd - Day 1b Saturday 3rd - Final Sunday 4th